Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Scare Tactic: RUN FOR THE HILLS!

And so we have yet another package of lies from a group calling itself Courage Campaign. I'm guessing the courage comes in having the balls to air this shit?

Take a look at the latest commercials now running in California:

I guess I'm not understanding their message. Please explain to me exactly how two people of the same sex wanting to get married damages these people's lives? Are the newly-married gay couples inviting themselves over for Bible studies? "Oh, no! Mary, that newlywed gay couple just invited themselves to our Bible Study! Do we have enough cookies?"

What exactly is the threat here? I just don't get it! There's a storm gathering? The dark clouds are forming? Because gay couples want to get married? HUH? How are gay couples trying to bring issues into these people's lives? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it THESE people who are making this an issue and forcing it into people's lives? They were the driving force behind Prop 8 and they forced their closed-minded views on the gay couples who just want to acknowledge their relationships. The only ones making this an issue are these people with their scare tactic.

"My freedom will be taken away!" HUH? HOW??? If gays are allowed to be married you still have the freedom to go picket the wedding and we know these people will do it! They happily picketed the funerals of dead soldiers, claiming that God allowed them to die because America is gay friendly. What about a grieving family's freedom to mourn in peace? Or does freedom only work one way: their way!

How the hell does gay marriage affect the job of a California doctor? Is she performing marriages on the side? In exactly what way is her job being compromised? Is it the blood test or something? She feels uncomfortable testing two people of the same sex with a desire to get married? Fine, we'll go to a gay-friendly doctor. I don't want you sticking me with a needle anyway.

I'm so sorry that the New Jersey youth group can't spread their message of hate. Awwww. Poor kiddos! I'm sure it makes Baby Jesus cry, that you aren't allowed to use donated church funds to force political views on the world. As Jesus clearly taught, that is what church life is all about! Jesus DEFINITELY didn't teach love and compassion. Oh, no, his message was all about infecting the world with closed-minded thinking and fear. Oh yeah, Jesus was all about fear. And he preached SO much about those filthy gays. Go to your Bible and look up ALL the words in red that Jesus spoke against gays. I'm sure there there. No, really!

I'm sure that gay marriage is a hot topic in public schools. I bet those classrooms are just BUZZING with that information. Oh! And that whole science thing? BAH! What terrible messages those teachers are infecting our innocent children with. It's too bad that there aren't private schools we can take our children to that preach these closed-minded ideals we hold dear. It's too bad we can't home-school our children and shelter them from the horrors of the world so that when they grow up they will be unprepared to deal with the realities of the world.

HOW, HOW HOW does gay marriage strive to change the way these people live? We're talking about two people of the same sex who want to get married! How does this change your life? If you don't like it, do go to the wedding. Don't buy any gifts on the registry! Don't invite them to your block party! If two people being in love is THAT big a change to your life, then build up a wall around your home like you have your heart. What better way to block out the terrible love of two same-sex people!

I love that they call this a rainbow coalition. I'd love to talk to gay people who are running with this crowd. They must be those elusive gay republicans I keep hearing about. I love how this group claims to be all inclusive as they campaign to exclude gay people from getting married. Hypocricy, your table is ready.

"Coming together in love to protect marriage." Eh, that one speaks for itself. What can I saw that adds to the stupidity and falsehood of that blatently wrong statement?

There you have it, folks. Another attempt to thwart the love between two people. Constitution be damned. Once again the compassionate-challenged spread their message of hate, blankted by a false statement of hope and love.

One day I hope these people look back on these actions that they have taken and cry with shame. I hope they run to all the gay couples that they have hurt over the years and beg forgiveness. It's okay. We gay people are a compassionate people. Unlike you, we'll open our arms and accept you for who you are without judgement or hate.

In the end, that's really the kind of people we are. Hopefully one day you'll see that.


Gavin said...

Have you checked out the second commercial they put out?

okay, it's actually a comedy group's interpretation of the commercial... kinda funny.

Benj said...

That is VERY funny!