Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Today was the big day when I bid on my route for the year. Every year all the drivers go in based on seniority and choose what routes they want to drive for the year. I went in knowing that I would not take my route from last year. While the children on it were really great kids, it was a very stressful route. I often found myself having to hurry just to make it to my second school in the afternoon and it just wasn't a good feeling.

Two years ago I had a route that I really enjoyed, but that was a bit long to drive. There was a little bit of a hurry factor on that one, too, but the chances of getting to the second school on time were a little better. I also very much liked the kids on that route, so when I heard that the guy who outbid me on it last year wouldn't be taking it this year, I figured I would.

When I got to work, I discovered that route 39 had already been taken! I have blogged about the Bible thumping, closed-minded bigot before and she is the same woman who took the route. Interesting side note: later, after I had already chosen and signed for my route, I learned that she had called in to ask if her route from last year was still open because she doesn't like 39 and wanted to change. She was told "nope!"

So, I spent a good deal of time trying to figure out which route I would choose. For a brief moment, I contemplated taking my route from last year. I already know that route and they added a late activity run on it which gave it a little more hours than before. But that late activity run would have kept me on the clock until around 5:30 which would have really cut into my time needed to get to Seattle for SMC rehearsals on Mondays.

During the summer I had been toying with the idea of driving a special needs route. There are much fewer children on those routes and I'd drive a short bus (okay, go ahead, make your jokes!). I ended up taking a route that worked with a midday route as well. Between the two routes I will get almost 39 hours every week! Trust me, that is a great thing! Last year I had to worry about if there would be trips or if there would be midday work I could do. This year, I don't even have to do field trips! Frankly, that will feel really odd. I'm really used to bidding on field trips.

This will be my first year driving a special needs route, too. I've driven special needs children when I subbed for midday routes in the past, but this will be the first time I haven't driven a large bus with more than 35 kids on it. It's going to feel like such a weird year for me at the beginning, but as the paychecks start coming in, I really think I'm going to be financially stable...more so than in years past!

Okay, so now the bad part. I had chosen my route and was in my manager's office signing all the paperwork and that is when I noticed the morning clock in time for the route. For some reason, I hadn't thought to check that... Every morning, I will need to be at work at 5:45 am! That is SOOO early! Last year, my morning time was 6:40! Thankfully I live right across the street so it wouldn't be impossible to get up at 5:00 am and still be at work by 5:45.

Still, the route I took isn't going to be all that challenging. There is one girl I've been warned about who is autistic and sometimes throws temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. We're talking kicking, screaming and sometimes spitting temper tantrums. Thankfully I only drive her in the afternoon out of a high school with seven or eight other students. The morning portion of the route consists of picking three deaf students up (all of which I have driven before) and taking them to a high school in Edmonds - maybe a 30 minute drive. That's it! Talk about an easy morning... aside from the clock in...

In the afternoon, after the portion with the autistic child, I drive to a park in the downtown area of my school district and wait for the route that picks up the out of district children. I don't even have to drive to Edmonds in the afternoon! I get to sit at a park reading a book until the other bus arrives and then take three students home. I'll be done by 4:30 every day which gives me plenty of time to get to Seattle for SMC on Mondays.

The only other negative thing that will take some getting used to is that I no longer get short Wednesdays. In our district, Wednesdays are early release days. But since those three students go to school in another district, they are on a different schedule. Also, because of the different schedule, I won't offically get a mid-winter break in February or a spring break in April like the other drivers will. Typically, though, I've been working those weeks anyway to get extra money, so I don't really think it'll be that big of a deal. Should I want to take those weeks off, I have the option to not work them and other drivers can bid to get that extra work. Most likely, though, I'm going to work them - I could use the money!

The more I think about it, the happier I am with my route. It'll be different, but I think I'll enjoy the variety. I know I am going to love the guaranteed hours. No more hoping I get a trip. No more wondering if my next paycheck will be big enough to cover my bills AND get me groceries. I'll actually be able to save at least $500/ month and still have a little left over for fun. I have never had that before and I am thrilled!

I may be a walking zombie, at least at the start (did I mention that I'll be the first driver clocking in every morning?) but I'm going to be a slightly less poor zombie.

Oh! Did I mention that the bus I'll be driving has a CD player? SCORE!


Anonymous said...

On your special ed routes, do you not have aides to assist with the children?

Benj said...

Sometimes we do, but most often we do not. I think on my route I will have a couple students who will have aides, but those are students who need extra special attention that a bus driver can't give. Unfortunately, the children prone to throwing fits aren't usually accompanied by an aide. This is a luxury that our district can't seem to afford.

Anonymous said...

OK thanks for the information. I've seen where special ed routes will have an aide for the whole bus, just to keep the driver from having to worry about the students while driving, helping with lifts if the have wheelchair students, etc.