Friday, October 15, 2010

Halloween Movie Night #15 - The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad

I decided to watch the classic Disney version of this Washington Irving story Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Has anyone else had difficulty finding a sympathetic character in this story? Ichabod is little more than a mooch who only dreams of marrying Katrina because she is rich and he wants the fortune she'll inherit. Brawn is little more than a bully who pushes his way into situations and self-appoints himself as the leader of a group. The object of their offection, Katrina, is a snobby rich girl who uses her looks and wealth to get whatever she wants.

Frankly, I wish the Headless Horseman would just get rid of all three of them.

Still, this is a classic tale and it's a fun tradition, despite the awful characters. I confess that I didn't watch the Mr. Toad portion of the 60-minute film and I'm probably missing out. If I have time, I'll watch it and blog about it, too.

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