I truly couldn't possibly be any more excited than I am right now. I am going to be an uncle! I realize that my brother and his wife technically did all the work creating this little miracle. In a way, I feel a little bad because they will most likely never experience the joy that comes with finding out that you're going to be an uncle - odds are great that I'll never have kids. At the same time, I can't help but feel very jealous because my brother and his wife WILL have the one thing that I have always wanted: they are going to be parents.
Another thing I have been thinking about is what kind of uncle am I going to be? I live in Washington and my family lives in California. It is looking as though I'm going to be that gay uncle that my brother's kids barely know - maybe they'll see me once or twice a year and during those early years, they'll barely know me so they'll act all shy around me. I am really struggling with that. Part of me is toying with the idea of moving back to California, but then I'm not sure I could ever live there again. Plus with the current economy, it's not very wise to leave a job where I am FINALLY starting to get a little seniority and decent hours and start all over at a job down in California.
But I'm going to be the only uncle my brother's kids have since my brother and I were the only siblings in our family and his wife is an only child. Well, I'll be the only official one, anyway. My brother has plenty of friends who I am sure will adopt his kids as unofficial uncles and aunts (which I must confess makes me jealous all over again!).
I dunno, could I ever go back to living in California again?
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