Monday, September 19, 2011

You can't have it both ways

This story has been going around a lot lately, but it wasn't until today that I actually watched the video. Pat Robertson's response to this issue makes me so angry and I think it has something to do with the book I am currently reading, Religion Gone Bad by Mel White. In his book, White, a former ghostwriter for many Fundamentalist Christian leaders, exposes the dangerous rhetoric used by these leaders in their fight against gay rights. Robertson features prominently in the book, so watching this clip really got me thinking about his blatant hypocrisy.

First a little history about my knowledge of Pat Robertson.

My mom is a long-time fan of The 700 Club. When I was a kid, I admit that I spent many hours watching Pat Robertson. I don't remember a lot of what was talked about, but I believe that it led to the turmoil I would later face as a teenager realizing my sexuality.

As far as I know, my mom still very much listens to and believes the things Robertson says. Several years ago, my brother and I were discussing Muslims with our parents. Dad had read a book about the religion and came away from it believing that their religion was founded on Satanic principles and that all Muslims worship Satan. My brother and I tried desperately to separate the horrific actions of the extremist terrorists of 9/11 and the rest of the Muslim faith, but our parents wouldn't have it.

Finally, my mom said, "BOYS! ENOUGH! You need to listen to what your father is saying. He read that book and we both watch the news on The 700 Club!" Both my brother and I were speechless. Later, my brother confirmed that I had heard my mom correctly. I don't think my mom is alone in her belief that The 700 Club is a valid news source.

But I digress... Back to my point.

Pat Robertson has dedicated his life and his ministry to fighting gay rights. He firmly believes that the Bible condemns gay people to hell and he sees it as his mission to save America from the wrath of God by denying gay people the basic human rights of marriage.

So when I watched that clip, I was shocked to hear him say that it's okay for a man to divorce his wife because she has Alzheimer's. Really? I find that extremely interesting since the Bible specifically admonishes people who have gotten a divorce. But see, Pat Robertson and the Fundamentalist leaders like him pick and choose things in the Bible; God hates this, but He'll turn a blind eye to that.

If you're going to fight the rights of gay people and use your belief in the Bible as the reason, then you can't turn around and tell a man that it's okay for him to break his marriage vows simply because his wife has Alzheimer's when the Bible forbids it.

You can't have it both ways, Pat.

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