Friday, October 22, 2010

Halloween Movie Night #18 - Button, Button

Last year, Cameron Diaz and James Marsden were in a movie called The Box. It wasn't very successful, but it did draw attention to this long-forgotten (except by me) episode from the 80's version of the Twilight Zone. When I first saw the story back in the 80's called Button, Button it scared the crap out of me and the whole concept behind the story has stayed with me all these years.

A white trash couple, clearly desperate for money, are one day given a box with a glass dome on top of it. Inside the glass dome is a red button and accompanying the box is a note promising that a visitor will arrive the next day to explain things to them. An odd-looking man does indeed show up and explains to the wife that should they choose to push the button two things will happen. First, someone whom they do not know will die. Second, he will give them $200,000, tax free.

For days they agonize about what to do until finally the wife announces "I'm going to push it!" and she does. As promised, the strange man shows up with a briefcase full of money and...

As much as I am dying to spoil the ending, I just can't. It is much more effective when you watch the whole thing and experience it for yourself. Therefore, I will include the two parts of the episode for you to enjoy. You're welcome!

Okay, how AWESOME was that ending?

As for the 2009 expansion of this story, it was okay. The entire events of the TV episode happen within the first 30 minutes or so of the film. The rest of the film is dedicated to explaining who the man is and why he makes them the offer. It is full of special effects and creepy moments, but it is severely lacking in story and purpose. For me, the creepiest aspect to the story (and any horror movie, for that matter) is the NOT knowing and the movie completely ruins that.

This story isn't about why the strange man makes them the offer. The story is about why the couple makes the decision they do. Of course, the chilling last line of the TV episode is the perfect place to end the story. I am a firm believer in making the audience wonder and the TV show (as well as the Richard Matheson short story) does just that by not explaining anything beyond the stranger saying that he's going to give the box to another couple and give them the same offer - and it'll be someone that they don't know! How scary is that?!

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